商品説明 特徴:折れ難い、消しやすい、削れます、全部が芯の色鉛筆。色鉛筆の書きやすさとクレヨンの発色の良さを生かした新タイプの色鉛筆。全芯仕様なので芯は従来品の4倍あり経済的。商品仕様:JANコード付きA characteristic: All which I can sharpen which it is easy to delete which are hard to be broken are the colored pencils of the core. The colored pencil of the new type that I made use of the ease of writing of the colored pencil and good color development of the crayon in. As it is all core specifications, there is 4 times of conventional products, and the core is economical. Product specifications: A cord is with JAN 商品カテゴリ オフィスジャパン 筆記具 チョーク・くれよん・固形マーカー クーピー 楽器、手芸、コレクション画材、アート用品画用筆、鉛筆類クレヨン JANコード/ISBNコード 4901881182693 商品コード e-04613237-160lot