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Upgraded Magnetic Tiles Toys for 3 4 5 6 7 Year Old Boys Girls Magnetic Blo

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商品説明 こちらの商品は欧米仕様の海外直輸入品です。 ご注文を頂いた後に、弊社アメリカ倉庫より商品を取り寄せ、日本国内倉庫で一旦受領、検品等の後、お届け先へ発送致します。お届けには通常2-4週間程お時間を頂戴しております。 海外からの流通過程において外箱等に若干のスレ・ヘコミなどが生じる場合がありますので、あらかじめご了承ください。 通関手続きの際に商品の開封確認を行う場合があります。輸入関税の請求はございません。 他店舗でも併売しておりますので、入れ違いで完売の際にはご容赦下さい。 ご注文後は、すぐにアメリカ倉庫にて出荷準備に入りますので、ご注文後のキャンセルはお断りさせて頂いております。 大口注文や掲載していない商品についても海外からお取寄せすることが可能です。「問い合わせ」よりご連絡ください。メールの返信は翌営業日以降となりますのでご了承ください。 商品カテゴリ SONON おもちゃ・ホビー ゲーム、おもちゃおもちゃ知育玩具 JANコード/ISBNコード 0747301319898 商品コード YS0000010436738274
商品名 Upgraded Magnetic Tiles Toys for 3 4 5 6 7 Year Old Boys Girls Magnetic Blocks Building Set for Toddlers STEM Learning Toys for Kids Boredom Buster Educational Toys Gifts
商品コメント 【Simple And Magic】When the Traditional building bricks are too difficult for toddlers and hit them confidence, magnets allow them to build and create in a magical ways. “click” together easily to create anything children can imagine! All of the fun. None of the frustration. These magnetic blocks reward your toddler’s efforts and encourage interest in STEM learning!【STEM Learning With Creative Fun】Designed for little kids with big imaginations, this STEM building toys can be stacked, knocked-down, lined up, or used in imaginative play. It can become a bridge, a house, the animals and more. Let your toddlers imagination and creativity run wild! Bonding with your kids and strengthen parents-child relationship via this magnet learning toys.【Security Upgraded】When it comes to toddlers, safety is paramount. Unlike other magnetic blocks on the market, our magnets are completely sealed inside the plastic shell which prevent the magnets from accidently falling. Magnetic tiles are an educational plaything that can be used over and over. Make it the best option for magnet toys and educational toys.【Introductory Engineering Toys Set For Toddlers】Package includes 36 magnetic blocks, an idea booklet and a storage bag. The very standard size make it compatible with major brands in markets, you can always add more cool magnetic toys to the collection. A ideal introduction to STEM activities, encourage your child to "free-build" their own inventions.【Perfect Learning Toys Gifts】Come with a portable storage bag, your kids will enjoy taking their Magnetic Blocks everywhere they go. A perfect birthday gift, Christmas gift or any other occasions’ gift toys for boys and girls 3 4 5 6 7 8 years old. Magnet tiles blocks not only inspire our kids imagination but also improve the lives of families and children.

残り 1 7196円

(72 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.03.03〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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