Strong Durable Nylon Dog Training Leash Traction Rope 4Ft /5 Foot /6 Feet Long 5/8 inch 3/4 Inch 1 Inch Wide for Small and Medium Dogs (1 x 7 F
商品名Strong Durable Nylon Dog Training Leash, Traction Rope, 4Ft /5 Foot /6 Feet Long, 5/8 inch 3/4 Inch 1 Inch Wide, for Small and Medium Dogs (1 x 7 FT, Purple)ブランド:TAIDA商品サイズ:1 x 7 FT高さ:3.4 cm横幅:13.3 cm奥行:14.7 cm 商品番号:色:Purple素材:Nylon