BD/DIR EN GREY/UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- AT NIPPON BUDOKAN(Blu-ray) Extended Cut(Blu-ray)
DIR EN GREY (ディルアングレイ でぃるあんぐれい)2012年1月11日 発売BD:11.SA BIR(UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- 2010.01.09 日本武道館)2.VINUSHKA(UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- 2010.01.09 日本武道館)3.凱歌、沈黙が眠る頃(UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- 2010.01.09 日本武道館)4.RED SOIL(UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- 2010.01.09 日本武道館)5.STUCK MAN(UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- 2010.01.09 日本武道館)6.GRIEF(UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- 2010.01.09 日本武道館)7.慟哭と去りぬ(UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- 2010.01.09 日本武道館)8.Merciless Cult(UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- 2010.01.09 日本武道館)9.INWARD SCREAM(UROBOROS -with the proof in the name of living...- 2010.01.09 日本武道館)10.凌辱の雨(UROBOROS -with the proof in