商品説明 ジャンル:トランペット出版社:Charles Colin弊社に在庫がない場合の取り寄せ発送目安:8日〜31日作曲者:Clifford Brown/クリフォード・ブラウン校訂者:Marc Lewis/マーク・ルイス編成:トランペット解説:Clifford Brown, by far my favourite jazz trumpeter, was one of the finest jazz musicians of his generation. This fantastic three volume collection of transcriptions follows his entire career, covering most of his iconic albums and live performances in an easy to navigate and beautifully typeset configuration.I have included one complete solo in the samples to the left, and I have included the table of contents from each book both in the samples and in the outline below on this page. Have a look and give them a go on your horn. You can get each volume separately or grab all three at a discount.Vol. I The Early YearsFrom: Jazz Immortal, on Pacific JazzVol. II Max Roach and Clifford Sessions:Clifford and Max Roach at Basin Street, on EmarcyVol. III: “Live” In Concerts with Max and SonnyClifford and Max Roach Live at the Beehive, on Columbia 商品カテゴリ ロケットミュージック !店 楽譜 本、雑誌、コミック楽譜、音楽書楽譜(その他)全般 販売期間 2015/5/16 13:00 〜 2024/8/31 15:00 JANコード/ISBNコード 4571453870367 商品コード BS207